Blog Posts about beer, beer chillin, beer steins, the all important all occasion German toast for beer "Prost" or just about anything beer related or toasting PROST related that seems worthy of a blog post.
Lori is a Clear Light practitioner. Clear Light is high frequency modality used to restore the recipient's physical body, mind, emotional and spiritual essence to its original perfection. Clear light may also be used to raise the vibe of any physical location such as a home, business, restaurant, hotel, etc. By keeping your home and business vibe higher, you attract more of the same to your home or business.
Lori is an advocate for well-being, peace, divinity, feeling good and loving life. She loves creating, exploring and sharing. Some of her creations include nb2c (not born 2 conform) series of designs and CaliforniVacation: SoCal Style Blog.
Lori thanks you for clicking and considering the amazing advertisers who support her web real estate. Mahalo, for without you, Lori's web presences are just her playing with her self. Just sayin'!
Blessings. Namaste. Mahalo. Aloha.
P.S. Please feel free to share.
As I wrote the first post for this blog, an inspired idea popped into my mind. Others may read this and wish they could blog too, if for no other reason than the fun of it. But how, Lori? How can we blog too?
First let me remind you, if I can blog, you can blog. It is easy. It's as easy as writing the thoughts in your head, your own personal mind cuisine. If you simply want to blog as your own personal diary, therapy, appreciation list, wish list, goals or just for the fun of it; you have the choice to not give a BLEEP how good of a writer you are or how great your punctuation is. You also have the option to allow no one else to read your blog except those you give permission to.
If the only thing holding you back is getting set up, I am able to help you. Of course, this would require a monetary investment in exchange for this service (I hope you don't work for free). Once we connect and agree to terms, I'll have you up and running in as little as 10 minutes. Call me. I mean email me,
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