Thursday, October 22, 2009

8. The perfect BBQ, brewski and friends combo.


7. The perfect BBQ and Brewski combo.


6. Your new stein is ready for its virginal voyage when...

...your friend agrees to buy your favorite beer to ensure this voyage is truly a "PROST!" worthy occasion.

We feel this just may rate a double prost.


5. Your new Stein is ready for its virginal voyage.


4. You just finished that project you've been dreading. And... plenty of time before the big game.

Ahhh!  Do I see a pregame beer in my future?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Reasons

Is "just 'cuz" a reason?  It's certainly not an excuse.

Okay, technically one shouldn't need a reason to fill their fine beer stein with a tall cold one, raise the stein in the air and repeat that German word of celebration, "Prost!" before bringing that cold white porcelain of the beer stein to their lips in anticipation of that first sip of their favorite beer.  Geez!  Let me run to the fridge right now!

Okay, I'm back.

Wouldn't be much of a blog then would it?

Thus, the majority of Prost Posts will be numbered reasons for toasting, "Prost!" and or sharing your favorite reasons why "x,y,z" beer is worthy of finding a temporary home in your beer stein.

Now, "I'll drink to that!"

P.S.  I just want to say here that we in no way are seeking to promote irresponsible drinking habits or anything against the law.  We enjoy our beverages respectfully and responsibly.  Thank you.


Welcome to the inaguration of the Prost Post Blog.

Prost to your health.

Prost to your wealth.

Prost to a joyful life.
